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Med. lab ; 26(3): 219-236, 2022. Tabs, ilus, Grafs
Artigo em Espanhol | WHO COVID, LILACS (Américas) | ID: covidwho-20244331


El virus SARS-CoV-2 continúa infectando a millones de individuos en el mundo. Aunque los síntomas más frecuentes observados en los pacientes con COVID-19 son fiebre, fatiga y tos, en los casos severos la hipercoagulabilidad y la inflamación son dos condiciones que pueden producir complicaciones y causar daño en órganos, poniendo en riesgo la vida del paciente. Con el fin de clasificar a los pacientes durante el triaje, se han explorado diferentes marcadores hematológicos, incluidos el recuento de plaquetas, linfocitos y eosinófilos, y la relación neutrófilos/ linfocitos, entre otros. Por su parte, para la evaluación de las coagulopatías, se vienen determinando marcadores como el dímero D y el fibrinógeno. En esta revisión se abordan las coagulopatías y los parámetros hematológicos en pacientes con COVID-19, al igual que las anormalidades en la coagulación como la trombocitopenia trombótica inmune inducida por las vacunas contra el SARS-CoV-2

The SARS-CoV-2 virus continues to infect millions of individuals around the world. Although the most frequent symptoms observed in patients with COVID-19 are fever, fatigue and cough, in severe cases hypercoagulability and inflammation are two conditions that can cause complications and organ failure, putting the patient's life at risk. In order to classify patients during triage, different hematological markers have been explored, including platelet, lymphocyte, and eosinophil counts, and the neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio, among others. Furthermore, for the evaluation of coagulopathies, markers such as D-dimer and fibrinogen are being evaluated. This review addresses the coagulopathies and hematological parameters in patients with COVID-19, as well as coagulation abnormalities such as immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia induced by SARS-CoV-2 vaccines

Humanos , COVID-19 , Prognóstico , Padrões de Referência , Trombose , Coagulação Sanguínea , Transtornos da Coagulação Sanguínea , Plaquetas , Vacinas , Antígenos de Diferenciação , SARS-CoV-2 , Hematologia
Int. j. cardiovasc. sci. (Impr.) ; 35(3): 410-418, May-June 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | WHO COVID, LILACS (Américas) | ID: covidwho-20244272


Abstract An acute respiratory syndrome caused by SARS-CoV2 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. Current data in the world and in Brazil show that approximately 40% of patients who died have some type of cardiac comorbidity. There are also robust reports showing an increase in IL-6 / IL-1B / TNF-alpha and the presence of lymphopenia in patients with COVID-19. Our team and others have shown that increased cytokines are the link between arrhythmias/Left ventricular dysfunction and the immune system in different diseases. In addition, it has been well demonstrated that lymphopenia can not only be a good marker, but also a factor that causes heart failure. Thus, the present review focused on the role of the immune system upon the cardiac alterations observed in the SARS-CoV2 infection. Additionally, it was well described that SARS-CoV-2 is able to infect cardiac cells. Therefore, here it will be reviewed in deep.

Arritmias Cardíacas/complicações , SARS-CoV-2/patogenicidade , COVID-19/complicações , Insuficiência Cardíaca/etiologia , Miocárdio/imunologia , Arritmias Cardíacas/fisiopatologia , Citocinas , Citocinas/imunologia , Coronavirus/patogenicidade , Disfunção Ventricular Esquerda/fisiopatologia , Miócitos Cardíacos/patologia , Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave , Insuficiência Cardíaca/complicações , Linfopenia/complicações
Med. lab ; 26(3): 237-259, 2022. Tabs, ilus, Grafs
Artigo em Espanhol | WHO COVID, LILACS (Américas) | ID: covidwho-20239968


La enfermedad COVID­19 es causada por el virus SARS-CoV-2, descrito por primera vez en diciembre del 2019 en Wuhan, China, y declarada en marzo del 2020 como una pandemia mundial. Actualmente existen diversos métodos diagnósticos para COVID-19, siendo el estándar de oro la detección del material genético mediante la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR), en su variante, la RT-PCR, que detecta el material genético de tipo ARN presente en el virus. Sin embargo, es necesario disponer de pruebas rápidas con alta sensibilidad y precisión para realizarlas a gran escala y brindar un diagnóstico oportuno. Adicionalmente, se debe disponer de otras herramientas que, si bien no van a establecer un diagnóstico, le van a permitir al profesional brindar un mejor manejo clínico y epidemiológico que ayuden a predecir el agravamiento del paciente y su posible ingreso a UCI, destacando entre estas los niveles de dímero D, linfocitos, ferritina, urea y creatinina, entre otras. En esta revisión se evalúa la utilidad y limitaciones de los diferentes métodos diagnósticos para COVID-19, al igual que las características, fisiopatología y respuesta inmune al SARS-CoV-2, así como algunos aspectos preanalíticos de importancia que ayudan a minimizar errores en el diagnóstico como consecuencia de procedimientos incorrectos en la toma, transporte y conservación de la muestra, y que permiten al profesional emitir resultados veraces y confiables. Lo anterior se realizó basado en artículos originales, revisiones y guías clínicas

COVID­19 is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, first described in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and declared a global pandemic in March 2020. Currently there are various diagnostic methods for COVID-19, the gold standard is the detection of genetic material through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in its variant, RT-PCR, which detects RNA-type genetic material present in the virus. However, it is necessary to have rapid tests with high sensitivity and precision to be performed on a large scale and provide timely diagnosis. Furthermore, other tools must be available, and although they will not establish the diagnosis, will allow the professional to provide better clinical and epidemiological management that will help predict the worsening of the patient and possible admission to the ICU. Among these, levels of D-dimer, lymphocytes, ferritin, urea and creatinine. In this review, the usefulness and limitations of the different diagnostic methods for COVID-19 are evaluated, as well as the characteristics, pathophysiology and immune response to SARS-CoV-2, and some important preanalytical aspects that allow minimizing diagnostic errors as a consequence of incorrect procedures in the collection, transport and conservation of the sample, that allow the professional to yield accurate and reliable results. This article was completed based on original articles, reviews and clinical guidelines

SARS-CoV-2 , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Mediadores da Inflamação , Contenção de Riscos Biológicos , Diagnóstico , Ferritinas , COVID-19 , L-Lactato Desidrogenase , Métodos
Med. lab ; 26(2): 177-186, 2022. ilus, Tabs
Artigo em Espanhol | WHO COVID, LILACS (Américas) | ID: covidwho-20235829


Las manifestaciones cutáneas relacionadas a la infección por el coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, causante de COVID-19, se han descrito entre el 0,2% y 20,4% de las personas que cursan con esta enfermedad. Las más frecuentemente descritas son: lesiones maculopapulares (47%), lesiones acrales eritematosas con vesículas o pústulas (pseudoperniosis) (19%), urticariales (19%), lesiones vesiculosas (9%) y livedo/necrosis (6%). En particular, la pitiriasis rosada es una dermatosis autolimitada de etiología desconocida, sin embargo, se ha visto asociada a la infección por SARS-CoV-2, con algunos reportes de casos en la literatura. El mecanismo fisiopatológico de las lesiones cutáneas en COVID-19 no es claro, y se han planteado algunas teorías, entre las cuales está el papel que juega la enzima convertidora de angiotensina 2 (ACE2) utilizada por el virus para infectar las células, los infiltrados linfocíticos, los depósitos de factores del complemento en la piel, y la reactivación de virus latentes como los herpes virus humanos. Se presenta el caso de una paciente con pitiriasis rosada asociada a COVID-19 y se describen los casos reportados hasta la fecha

Humanos , Pitiríase Rósea , Pele , Manifestações Cutâneas , Urticária , Coronavirus , Exantema , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19
Med. lab ; 26(3): 213-214, 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | WHO COVID, LILACS (Américas) | ID: covidwho-20235771


La infección viral respiratoria causada por el SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2) produce la enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 o COVID-19. Hasta el 20% al 50% de los pacientes hospitalizados con COVID-19 tienen alteraciones de la coagulación (dímero D elevado, tiempo de protrombina prolongado, trombocitopenia y fibrinógeno bajo). Esta condición se caracteriza por eventos trombóticos más que hemorrágicos. De otro lado, se presenta disfunción endotelial, lo cual explica los niveles elevados de trombina, de dímero D y de otros productos de degradación de fibrina, la trombocitopenia y la prolongación de los tiempos de coagulación; estos cambios terminan por originar hipoxia, oclusión microvascular y congestión pulmonar mediada por trombosis [1]. Se ha demostrado que el tratamiento anticoagulante inicial con heparinas de bajo peso molecular reduce la mortalidad un 48% a los 7 días y un 37% a los 28 días, y logra una mejoría significativa del cociente presión arterial de oxígeno/fracción inspirada de O2 (PaO2/FiO2), al mitigar la formación de microtrombos y la coagulopatía pulmonar asociada, disminuyendo además la inflamación [2]. En el artículo titulado "Alteraciones hematológicas como consecuencia de COVID-19 y sus vacunas", se abordan las anormalidades en la coagulación como la trombocitopenia trombótica inmune inducida por las vacunas contra el SARS-CoV-2. Es importante anotar, que hoy en día la comunidad científica está de acuerdo en que sin la vacunación hubiera sido imposible lograr el control actual que se tiene de la pandemia, pero a la vez se debe tener en cuenta que cualquier inmunización tiene también efectos adversos que por lo general son leves, pero que en raras ocasiones se pueden presentar complicaciones de mayor magnitud

Humanos , SARS-CoV-2 , Trombocitopenia , Coagulação Sanguínea , Coronavirus , COVID-19 , Hematologia
Med. lab ; 26(1): 35-46, 2022. Grafs
Artigo em Espanhol | WHO COVID, LILACS (Américas) | ID: covidwho-20235630


COVID-19 es una enfermedad infecciosa respiratoria aguda, causada por el SARS-CoV-2, un nuevo coronavirus, que se extendió rápidamente por todo el mundo, dando como resultado una pandemia. Los pacientes presentan un amplio espectro de manifestaciones clínicas, entre ellas, la miocarditis, y de manera alterna, algunos pacientes sin síntomas de enfermedad cardíaca, tienen anomalías en las pruebas, como elevación de la troponina y arritmias cardíacas en el electrocardiograma, o anomalías en las imágenes cardíacas. La patogenia del compromiso miocárdico no es clara, pero las dos principales teorías prevén un papel directo de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina 2, que funciona como el receptor viral, y una respuesta hiperinmune, que también puede conducir a una presentación aislada. El estándar de oro del diagnóstico es la biopsia endomiocárdica, la cual no está disponible en la mayoría de los escenarios. En esta revisión, se pretende brindar al lector pautas para identificar las manifestaciones clínicas, ayudas diagnósticas y manejo de los pacientes con sospecha de miocarditis por COVID-19

COVID-19 is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by a new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2 virus, that spread rapidly around the world, resulting in a pandemic. Patients present with a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations, including myocarditis, and alternately, some patients without symptoms of heart disease have abnormalities in tests, such as elevated troponin, arrhythmias in the ECG orabnormalities in cardiac imaging testing. The pathogenesis of myocardial involvement is not completely clear, but the two main theories suggest a direct role of the angiotensin-converting enzyme, which functions as the virus receptor, and a hyperimmune response, which can also lead to an isolated presentation. The gold standard for the diagnosis is the endomyocardial biopsy, which is not available in most settings. In this review, we intend to provide the reader with guidelines to identify the clinical manifestations, diagnostic tools, and management of patients with suspected COVID-19 myocarditis

COVID-19 , Biópsia , Ecocardiografia , SARS-CoV-2 , Miocardite , Miocárdio
Med. lab ; 26(3): 261-271, 2022. Tabs
Artigo em Espanhol | WHO COVID, LILACS (Américas) | ID: covidwho-20233891


Introducción. La lesión renal aguda (LRA) en el paciente con COVID-19 ocurre más frecuentemente en presencia de enfermedades crónicas como diabetes, obesidad, hipertensión arterial y enfermedad renal crónica previa, considerándose un fuerte predictor de resultados desfavorables y mortalidad. El propósito de este estudio fue describir las características histopatológicas en biopsias renales de pacientes hospitalizados por COVID-19, que experimentaron algún grado de daño renal durante su hospitalización. Metodología. Se incluyeron 30 pacientes mayores de 18 años, hospitalizados en diferentes centros de atención en Medellín, Colombia, con diagnóstico confirmado de COVID-19, sin antecedente de terapia de reemplazo renal, que durante la infección desarrollaron algún grado de daño renal, y que tuvieran estudio histopatológico de biopsia renal. Se analizaron las características demográficas, formas clínicas de presentación y hallazgos histopatológicos a nivel renal. Resultados. La mayoría de los pacientes eran de sexo masculino (70%). Los antecedentes patológicos más frecuentes fueron la enfermedad renal crónica previa (16,7%), diabetes mellitus (16,7%), trasplante renal (13,3%) y VIH (10%). El 35,7% de los pacientes no tenían ninguna comorbilidad subyacente. La manifestación clínica inicial más frecuente fue la LRA (56,7%). Algunos pacientes tuvieron más de una manifestación clínica inicial. El 100% de los pacientes evaluados tuvieron hallazgos histopatológicos renales, siendo la nefritis tubulointersticial aguda (40%) el más frecuente. Conclusión. Nuestro estudio no descarta una posible asociación del sexo masculino con peores desenlaces en la enfermedad COVID-19. La LRA fue el hallazgo clínico inicial más frecuente. Es posible que los hallazgos histopatológicos del presente estudio puedan ser consecuencia del daño directo a nivel tubulointersticial renal y la mala perfusión renal, dado el estado de choque por la tormenta inflamatoria, el empeoramiento de enfermedades preexistentes, o la superposición clínica con otras entidades. Sin embargo, son necesarios más estudios para dilucidar los mecanismos por los cuales se generan estas lesiones

Acute kidney injury (AKI) in patients with COVID-19 occurs more frequently in the presence of chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and previous chronic kidney disease, and is considered a strong predictor of unfavorable outcomes and mortality. The purpose of this study was to describe the histopathological characteristics in kidney biopsies from patients hospitalized for COVID-19, who experienced some degree of kidney damage during their hospitalization. Methodology. We included 30 patients over 18 years of age, hospitalized in different care centers in Medellín, Colombia, with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19, without a history of renal replacement therapy, who developed some degree of kidney disease during the infection, and had histopathological study of renal biopsy. Demographic characteristics, clinical manifestations and histopathological findings were analyzed. Results. Most of the patients were male (70%). The most frequent previous pathological findings were chronic kidney disease (16.7%), diabetes mellitus (16.7%), kidney transplant (13.3%) and HIV (10%). 35.7% of the patients did not have any underlying comorbidity. The most frequent initial clinical manifestation was AKI (56.7%). Some patients had more than one initial clinical manifestation. 100% of the patients had renal histopathological findings, with acute tubulointerstitial nephritis (40%) being the most frequent. Conclusion. Our study does not rule out a possible association of the male gender with worse outcomes in COVID-19 disease. AKI was the most common initial clinical finding. It is possible that the histopathological findings of this study may be a consequence of direct damage at the renal tubulointerstitial level and poor renal perfusion due to the inflammatory storm, worsening of pre-existing diseases, or clinical overlap with other entities. However, more studies are needed to elucidate the mechanisms by which these lesions are generated

Humanos , COVID-19 , Biópsia por Agulha , Injúria Renal Aguda , Patologistas , SARS-CoV-2 , Rim
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e20775, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | WHO COVID, LILACS (Américas) | ID: covidwho-20232559


Abstract Up to today, there is no specific treatment against SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 infection; there the necessity to search for alternatives that help patients with COVID-19. The objective of this study was to review the use of ozone therapy as adjunct treatment for SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 infection, highlighting the mechanisms of action, forms of application and current clinical evidence. A systematic review was conducted in electronic databases, searching the terminology Ozone "or" Ozone therapy "and" SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19 or Coronavirus. Results: nineteen studies were included; ten were editorials, comments, brief reports or reviews, and nine clinical studies. We found that ozone therapy could be favorable for treating patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19, through a direct antiviral effect, regulation of oxidative stress, immunomodulation and improvement of oxygen metabolism. Patients who were treated with ozone therapy responded favorably; therefore, ozone therapy appears to be a promising treatment for patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19. Its mechanism of action justifies its use as an adjuvant therapy; however, scientific evidence is based on case series and clinical trials are necessary to corroborate its effectiveness and safety.

Coronavirus/patogenicidade , SARS-CoV-2/classificação , COVID-19/patologia , Ozonioterapia , Antivirais/análise , Pacientes/classificação , Estresse Oxidativo , Relatório de Pesquisa , Infecções/classificação
Menopause ; 29(2): 184-188, 2021 12 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-20244811


OBJECTIVE: We aimed to evaluate patient satisfaction with telephone appointments during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, determine visit type preference (in-person vs telephone), and predictors of those preferences. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, patient visits during the first wave of COVID-19 (March 20 to July 15, 2020) were characterized (in-person vs telephone) in a single provider's weekly menopause clinic in Toronto, Canada. Patients attending telephone appointments were asked to complete a modified Telemedicine Satisfaction Questionnaire with 5-point Likert-scale responses. Demographic information was collected along with the patient-reported cost to attend an in-person appointment (monetary, travel time, and time away from work). Of those who experienced both visit types, preference was evaluated and bivariate analysis was performed identifying factors associated with visit type preference and included in a multivariable binary logistic regression model. RESULTS: During the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, 214 women had 246 visits, attending mostly by telephone (221/246, 90%). Mean Telemedicine Satisfaction Questionnaire composite score was 4.23 ±â€Š0.72. Of those who attended a prepandemic in-person appointment (118/139, 85%), a minority (24/118, 20%) preferred in-person visits. Those favoring in-person were more likely to commute less than 30 minutes (OR 3.78, 95% CI 1.16-12.29, P = 0.027), require less than 2 hours away from work (OR 4.05, 95% CI 1.07-15.4, P = 0.04), and spend less than $10 to attend (OR 3.67, 95% CI 1.1-12.26, P = 0.035). CONCLUSIONS: Menopause clinic telephone appointments had high patient satisfaction, with most preferring this visit type, although in-person visits are preferred among a minority of women.

COVID-19 , Pandemias , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Humanos , Menopausa , Satisfação do Paciente , SARS-CoV-2 , Telefone
Urol J ; 19(3): 241-245, 2021 Jul 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-20244739


BACKGROUND: The pandemic of COVID-19 is nowhere from over, which pushes us to adapt to it.  Social distancing rules were applied to restrict the people and prevent virus transmission. Despite these restrictions, the patient's care should not be compromised. Doctors are encouraged to technologically improve themselves to get used to the utilization of telemedicine. METHODS: We conducted an online survey of urology specialists and urology residents throughout the country. The survey was accompanied by the Indonesian Urological Association, and the survey was opened for one month and sent by email to all members of the association. RESULTS: A total of 50 urologists and 182 urology residents participated. Almost half (48%) currently do not have facilities to hold a telemedicine practice in their institution, and 14% reported inadequate facilities. The majority reveals that the barrier to conducting this method was due to insufficient facility. Other issues like insurance coverage and patient's interest in telemedicine, the risk of patient's data leak, and the urologist's lack of interest in telemedicine might also be challenging. Despite some doubts, in sum, more than half have thought that telemedicine would keep utilized although the pandemic is resolved. CONCLUSIONS: We are currently learning the novel telemedicine implementation and some challenges still need to be resolved. Starting from the regulation and legal protection fundamentally, and the health insurance coverage needs to be determined. After all, the low interest in adopting this method has become the greatest barrier.

COVID-19 , Telemedicina , Urologia , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Humanos , Indonésia/epidemiologia , Pandemias/prevenção & controle , SARS-CoV-2
Cardiol Rev ; 29(6): 289-291, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-20244180


The ongoing coronavirus infection-2019 (COVID-19) global pandemic has had devastating impacts on the global population since 2019. Cardiac complications are a well-documented sequala of COVID-19, with exposed patients experiencing complications such as myocardial infarction, myocarditis, and arrythmias. This article aims to review prominent literature regarding COVID-19 and its link with arrhythmias, as well as to discuss some of the possible mechanisms by which arrhythmogenesis may occur in patients with COVID-19.

Arritmias Cardíacas/epidemiologia , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Antibacterianos/efeitos adversos , Antirreumáticos/efeitos adversos , Arritmias Cardíacas/induzido quimicamente , Arritmias Cardíacas/fisiopatologia , Azitromicina/efeitos adversos , COVID-19/fisiopatologia , Humanos , Hidroxicloroquina/efeitos adversos , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva , SARS-CoV-2 , Índice de Gravidade de Doença , Tratamento Farmacológico da COVID-19
Cien Saude Colet ; 26(5): 1885-1898, 2021 May.
Artigo em Português, Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-20243734


This article explores the use of spatial artificial intelligence to estimate the resources needed to implement Brazil's COVID-19 immu nization campaign. Using secondary data, we conducted a cross-sectional ecological study adop ting a time-series design. The unit of analysis was Brazil's primary care centers (PCCs). A four-step analysis was performed to estimate the popula tion in PCC catchment areas using artificial in telligence algorithms and satellite imagery. We also assessed internet access in each PCC and con ducted a space-time cluster analysis of trends in cases of SARS linked to COVID-19 at municipal level. Around 18% of Brazil's elderly population live more than 4 kilometer from a vaccination point. A total of 4,790 municipalities showed an upward trend in SARS cases. The number of PCCs located more than 5 kilometer from cell towers was largest in the North and Northeast regions. Innovative stra tegies are needed to address the challenges posed by the implementation of the country's National COVID-19 Vaccination Plan. The use of spatial artificial intelligence-based methodologies can help improve the country's COVID-19 response.

O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o uso da inteligência artificial espacial no contexto da imunização contra COVID-19 para a seleção adequada dos recursos necessários. Trata-se de estudo ecológico de caráter transversal baseado em uma abordagem espaço-temporal utilizando dados secundários, em Unidades Básicas de Saúde do Brasil. Foram adotados quatro passos analíticos para atribuir um volume de população por unidade básica, aplicando algoritmos de inteligência artificial a imagens de satélite. Em paralelo, as condições de acesso à internet móvel e o mapeamento de tendências espaço-temporais de casos graves de COVID-19 foram utilizados para caracterizar cada município do país. Cerca de 18% da população idosa brasileira está a mais de 4 quilômetros de distância de uma sala de vacina. No total, 4.790 municípios apresentaram tendência de agudização de casos de Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave. As regiões Norte e Nordeste apresentaram o maior número de Unidades Básicas de Saúde com mais de 5 quilômetros de distância de antenas de celular. O Plano nacional de vacinação requer o uso de estratégias inovadoras para contornar os desafios do país. O uso de metodologias baseadas em inteligência artificial espacial pode contribuir para melhoria do planejamento das ações de resposta à COVID-19.

Vacinas contra COVID-19 , COVID-19 , Idoso , Inteligência Artificial , Brasil , Cidades , Estudos Transversais , Humanos , Inteligência , SARS-CoV-2 , Vacinação
Clin Chem ; 68(1): 143-152, 2021 12 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-20243230


BACKGROUND: The urgent need for massively scaled clinical testing for SARS-CoV-2, along with global shortages of critical reagents and supplies, has necessitated development of streamlined laboratory testing protocols. Conventional nucleic acid testing for SARS-CoV-2 involves collection of a clinical specimen with a nasopharyngeal swab in transport medium, nucleic acid extraction, and quantitative reverse-transcription PCR (RT-qPCR). As testing has scaled across the world, the global supply chain has buckled, rendering testing reagents and materials scarce. To address shortages, we developed SwabExpress, an end-to-end protocol developed to employ mass produced anterior nares swabs and bypass the requirement for transport media and nucleic acid extraction. METHODS: We evaluated anterior nares swabs, transported dry and eluted in low-TE buffer as a direct-to-RT-qPCR alternative to extraction-dependent viral transport media. We validated our protocol of using heat treatment for viral inactivation and added a proteinase K digestion step to reduce amplification interference. We tested this protocol across archived and prospectively collected swab specimens to fine-tune test performance. RESULTS: After optimization, SwabExpress has a low limit of detection at 2-4 molecules/µL, 100% sensitivity, and 99.4% specificity when compared side by side with a traditional RT-qPCR protocol employing extraction. On real-world specimens, SwabExpress outperforms an automated extraction system while simultaneously reducing cost and hands-on time. CONCLUSION: SwabExpress is a simplified workflow that facilitates scaled testing for COVID-19 without sacrificing test performance. It may serve as a template for the simplification of PCR-based clinical laboratory tests, particularly in times of critical shortages during pandemics.

Teste de Ácido Nucleico para COVID-19/métodos , COVID-19 , COVID-19/diagnóstico , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico , Humanos , RNA Viral/isolamento & purificação , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real , SARS-CoV-2/isolamento & purificação , Sensibilidade e Especificidade , Manejo de Espécimes
Cien Saude Colet ; 26(11): 5589-5598, 2021 Nov.
Artigo em Português, Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-20242971


The 16th National Health Conference illustrated the interest of health councils to intervene in public policies in order to guarantee the right to health technologies. The INTEGRA project (Integration of policies for Health Surveillance, Pharmaceutical Care, Science, Technology, and Innovation in Health) is a partnership among the National Health Council, the National School of Pharmacists, and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), with support from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), with the goal of strengthening participation and social engagement in the theme, as well as the integration of health policies and practices within different sectors of society (social movements, health councils, and health professionals), with the various stages related to the access to medicines (research, incorporation, national production, and services) being the main theme in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It seeks to offer training for leadership groups in the health regions and activities with a broad national and political scope, and it hopes to establish an intersectorial and integrated network of leaders capable of acting collaboratively to defend the development of science, public policies, national sovereignty, and social control of health.

A 16ª Conferência Nacional de Saúde demonstrou o interesse do controle social em intervir sobre as políticas públicas a fim de garantir o direito às tecnologias de saúde. O projeto Integra - Integração das Políticas de Vigilância em Saúde, Assistência Farmacêutica, Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação em Saúde -, nasce da parceria entre o Conselho Nacional de Saúde, a Escola Nacional dos Farmacêuticos e a Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), com apoio da Organização Pan-Americana de Saúde (OPAS) com objetivo de fortalecimento da participação e engajamento social na temática e a integração das políticas e práticas de saúde em diferentes setores da sociedade (movimentos sociais, controle social e profissionais de saúde), tendo as diversas etapas relacionadas ao acesso aos medicamentos (pesquisa, incorporação, produção nacional e serviços) como mote principal, no cenário da pandemia de COVID-19. Oferta-se, neste projeto, capacitação para grupos de lideranças nas regiões de saúde e atividades de grande abrangência nacional e política. Espera-se alcançar o estabelecimento de uma rede intersetorial, integrada de lideranças capazes de atuar colaborativamente para a defesa do desenvolvimento da ciência, das políticas públicas, da soberania nacional e do controle social da saúde.

COVID-19 , Participação Social , Tecnologia Biomédica , Política de Saúde , Humanos , Pandemias , SARS-CoV-2
Cien Saude Colet ; 26(5): 1873-1884, 2021 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-20242970


The objective of this research was to analyse federal government interventions in crisis management and the consequences for health professionals. This is a documentary-type qualitative research. Brazilian Federal regulations referring to work and health education produced during the pandemic emergency of COVID-19, published from January 28 to June 2, 2020, were identified. Of the total of 845 documents, 62 were selected in accordance with the inclusion criteria and were then submitted to Thematic Content Analysis. The results and discussions were grouped into four categories:workforce management, workforce protection, workforce training and academic-workforce relationship. Absence of a federal coordinating actions and policies for desinformation were identified. This lacking mechanisms for coordination contributed decisively to the tragic epidemiological situation still underway, especially in terms of the exposure of health workers to the risk of contamination, revealed in the extremely high rates of professionals infected or killed by COVID-19 in Brazil and the failure to control the pandemic in the population.

COVID-19 , Mão de Obra em Saúde , Brasil/epidemiologia , Humanos , Política Pública , SARS-CoV-2
Clin Microbiol Infect ; 27(3): 458-466, 2021 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-20242956


OBJECTIVES: To provide an overview of the spectrum, characteristics and outcomes of neurologic manifestations associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. METHODS: We conducted a single-centre retrospective study during the French coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic in March-April 2020. All COVID-19 patients with de novo neurologic manifestations were eligible. RESULTS: We included 222 COVID-19 patients with neurologic manifestations from 46 centres in France. Median (interquartile range, IQR) age was 65 (53-72) years and 136 patients (61.3%) were male. COVID-19 was severe or critical in 102 patients (45.2%). The most common neurologic diseases were COVID-19-associated encephalopathy (67/222, 30.2%), acute ischaemic cerebrovascular syndrome (57/222, 25.7%), encephalitis (21/222, 9.5%) and Guillain-Barré syndrome (15/222, 6.8%). Neurologic manifestations appeared after the first COVID-19 symptoms with a median (IQR) delay of 6 (3-8) days in COVID-19-associated encephalopathy, 7 (5-10) days in encephalitis, 12 (7-18) days in acute ischaemic cerebrovascular syndrome and 18 (15-28) days in Guillain-Barré syndrome. Brain imaging was performed in 192 patients (86.5%), including 157 magnetic resonance imaging (70.7%). Among patients with acute ischaemic cerebrovascular syndrome, 13 (22.8%) of 57 had multiterritory ischaemic strokes, with large vessel thrombosis in 16 (28.1%) of 57. Brain magnetic resonance imaging of encephalitis patients showed heterogeneous acute nonvascular lesions in 14 (66.7%) of 21. Cerebrospinal fluid of 97 patients (43.7%) was analysed, with pleocytosis found in 18 patients (18.6%) and a positive SARS-CoV-2 PCR result in two patients with encephalitis. The median (IQR) follow-up was 24 (17-34) days with a high short-term mortality rate (28/222, 12.6%). CONCLUSIONS: Clinical spectrum and outcomes of neurologic manifestations associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection were broad and heterogeneous, suggesting different underlying pathogenic processes.

COVID-19/complicações , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso/etiologia , Sistema de Registros/estatística & dados numéricos , Idoso , Encéfalo/diagnóstico por imagem , Encéfalo/patologia , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Feminino , França/epidemiologia , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso/diagnóstico , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso/epidemiologia , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso/patologia , Estudos Retrospectivos , SARS-CoV-2
Urol J ; 17(6): 560-561, 2021 Jan 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-20242698


In this correspondence the authors try to show that guidelines and recommendations including what was published by EAU rapid reaction group must be further updated and tailored according to different epidemiologic data in different countries. The authors assign the countries worldwide in three categories. First category comprises countries that experience the secondary surges smoother than the first one. The second category include countries with stronger or -merging and rising-secondary surges and the third category encompasses countries with successful initial response and secondary stronger but still more controllable surges. Authors proclaim that after passing the first baffling impact we find out that postponement strategies preached in many of these scout treatises are no more suitable at least for the countries delineated in the second category and can culminate in performance of procedures in worse. The authors proffer Iranian Urology Association COVID-19 Taskforce Pamphlet(IUA-CTP) as a paragonic document mentioning it's the time we must recognise the wide variability of the situation in different regions and any advisory position must consider this huge variance in epidemiologic profile.

COVID-19/epidemiologia , COVID-19/prevenção & controle , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Urológicos/normas , Agendamento de Consultas , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Eletivos/normas , Humanos , Irã (Geográfico)/epidemiologia , Guias de Prática Clínica como Assunto , SARS-CoV-2
Cien Saude Colet ; 26(11): 5629-5638, 2021 Nov.
Artigo em Português | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-20242695


This paper makes a critical assessment of epidemiology with the COVID-19 pandemic as a social event. It examines the philosophical reflection in which Agamben defines as contemporary those able to stand back to see the dark side of their own era. In the light of decolonial criticism, the concept of "epidemiological transition," with its theory of transcendence of "social determinants of health" and binarism of epidemiological variables as supports of the biomedical and quantitative structuring of the epidemiology of risk factors is queried. The scientific ambition to dominate nature and the engendering of a linear and evolutionary historical time, beginning in western modernity, contextualizes the epistemicides of popular wisdom and the coloniality of epidemiological knowledge. The theoretical constitution of decolonial thought is historically analyzed, highlighting its greater critical potential to reveal the structural colonization of epidemiological knowledge. The post-pandemic future is considered and Prigogine's idea of bifurcation - as elaborated by Sousa Santos - and Paulo Freire's untested feasibility are related with the concept of time as the creation and expectation of social transformation.

O ensaio epistemológico relaciona criticamente a epidemiologia com a pandemia de COVID-19 enquanto evento social. Explora-se a reflexão filosófica em que Agamben define contemporâneo como quem é capaz de se afastar e enxergar o lado escuro do seu tempo. À luz da crítica decolonial, questionam-se a ideia de "transição epidemiológica", com sua transcendência na teoria dos "determinantes sociais de saúde", e a disposição binarista das varáveis epidemiológicas, como suportes da estruturação quantitativa e biomédica da epidemiologia dos fatores de risco. A pretensão científica de domínio da natureza e o engendramento de um tempo histórico linear e evolutivo, que inicia com a modernidade ocidental, contextualizam os epistemicídios dos saberes populares e a colonização do saber epidemiológico. Historiciza-se a constituição do pensamento crítico decolonial e pontua-se seu potencial para a revelação do caráter estrutural da colonização do saber epidemiológico. Considera-se o futuro pós-pandemia e relacionam-se as ideias de bifurcação, originada de Ilya Prigogine e elaborada por Boaventura de Sousa Santos, e inédito viável, de Paulo Freire com a concepção do tempo como criação e a expectativa de transformação social.

COVID-19 , Pandemias , Colonialismo , Humanos , Pandemias/prevenção & controle , SARS-CoV-2 , Condições Sociais
J Occup Environ Med ; 63(11): e813-e818, 2021 11 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-20242655


The tremendous global toll of the COVID-19 pandemic does not fall equally on all populations. Indeed, this crisis has exerted more severe impacts on the most vulnerable communities, spotlighting the continued consequences of longstanding structural, social, and healthcare inequities. This disparity in COVID-19 parallels the unequal health consequences of climate change, whereby underlying inequities perpetuate adverse health outcomes disproportionately among vulnerable populations. As these two crises continue to unfold, there is an urgent need for healthcare practitioners to identify and implement solutions to mitigate adverse health outcomes, especially in the face of global crises. To support this need, the 2021 Clinical Climate Change Conference held a virtual meeting to discuss the implications of the convergence of the climate crisis and COVID-19, particularly for vulnerable patient populations and the clinicians who care for them. Presenters and panelists provided evidence-based solutions to help health professionals improve and adapt their practice to these evolving scenarios. Together, participants explored the community health system and national solutions to reduce the impacts of COVID-19 and the climate crisis, to promote community advocacy, and foster new partnerships between community and healthcare leaders to combat systemic racism and achieve a more just and equitable society.

COVID-19 , Racismo , Mudança Climática , Humanos , Pandemias , SARS-CoV-2
Cien Saude Colet ; 26(12): 6117-6128, 2021 Dec.
Artigo em Português, Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-20242134


This article aimed to verify the prevalence and factors associated with dissatisfaction with teaching work among teachers from the state public basic education network in the state of Minas Gerais during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a websurvey, carried out with these teachers between August and September 2020 via digital form. The dependent variable was job satisfaction during the pandemic, with satisfied people being the reference category. Multinomial Logistic Regression was used. 15,641 teachers from 795 municipalities participated in the study. Regarding work satisfaction, 21.6% were satisfied, 44.7% were indifferent and 33.7% were unsatisfied. The chances of being unsatisfied were higher among those without a spouse (OR=1.23), longer teaching time (OR=1.19), difficulty with remote activities (OR=37.60), without possession of a computer (OR=1.40), smokers (OR=1.27), using alcoholic beverages (OR=1.54), sedentary (OR=1.22) and absent leisure activities (OR=1.49). The changes caused in the educational system in the face of the pandemic impacted the teacher's routine, contributing to the dissatisfaction with the work of this professional.

O objetivo deste artigo foi verificar a prevalência e fatores associados à insatisfação com o trabalho docente entre professores(as) da rede pública estadual de educação básica do estado de Minas Gerais durante a pandemia da COVID-19. Inquérito epidemiológico do tipo websurveys, realizado com esses(as) professores(as) entre agosto e setembro de 2020 via formulário digital. A variável dependente foi a satisfação com o trabalho durante a pandemia, sendo os(as) satisfeitos(as) a categoria de referência. Foi utilizada a Regressão Logística Multinomial. Participaram do estudo 15.641 professores(as) de 795 municípios. Em relação a satisfação com o trabalho, 21,6% estavam satisfeitos(as), 44,7% indiferentes e 33,7% insatisfeitos(as). As chances de estarem insatisfeitos(as) foram maiores entre aqueles(as) sem cônjuge (OR=1,23), maior tempo de docência (OR=1,19), dificuldade com atividades remotas (OR=37,60), sem posse de computador (OR=1,40), tabagistas (OR=1,27), em uso de bebida alcoólica (OR=1,54), sedentários(as) (OR=1,22) e atividade de lazer ausente (OR=1,49). As mudanças causadas no sistema educacional diante da pandemia impactaram a rotina do(a) professor(a), contribuindo para a insatisfação com o trabalho deste(a) profissional.

COVID-19 , Pandemias , Brasil/epidemiologia , Humanos , Satisfação no Emprego , SARS-CoV-2